A bear with manners rings the doorbell of a South Carolina home. Then walks away in a huff when no one answers.
it seems bears are everywhere these days, folks have front row seats shooting home videos of bear antics on their lawn. But who expects a bear to be so well mannered? He paws at the doorbell then getting no response, gives up in a huff, literally. It happened at 3 30 in the morning. Greenville county south Carolina resident Wendy Watson woke up later that morning and noticed a couple of damaged bird feeders. So she checked her doorbell cam. I think I might have screamed a little like, oh my gosh! The Daily Mail dubbed the bear ringing the poo though paws aren’t as effective as fingers. Did it go ding dong or did he miss it? It did not go ding dong, but he did leave his mark. He put his nose on the glass, He was doing like this and put it on and left the nose print. He sure did. A writer on twitter asked why would a bear ring your doorbell? And got loads of responses. Someone joked he was making a food delivery. Uber eats, but we prefer to think the manners displayed by the bear Wendy now calls boo boo can best be explained by yogi bear’s famous boast. I’m smarter than the, but instead of as yogi pronounces it up pic, a nic basket. All this guy got with some bird feed, Jeannie moos, CNN new york